Monday, April 16, 2007

Cormac McCarthy Wins The Pulitzer Prize

It's a damn shame that some motherless fuck, some poorly wired piece of human garbage felt it necessary to snuff out the lives of 33 innocent people on the Virginia Tech campus today. It's even worse when a tragedy so vile and unnecessary has to overshadow one of the greatest living novelists receiving the medium's highest honor. Cormac McCarthy, or The Scribe of God as I like to call him, was honored with the Pulitzer Prize in fiction for his latest, THE ROAD. For those of you not familiar with his work, do yourself a favor and pick up this book. Yes, I know, Oprah of all people chose it as her latest "book club" selection, but don't let that deter you. This is a very, very dark tale of a father and his young son making their way across a post-apocalyptic wasteland, evading hordes of cannibalistic vagabonds, staving off hunger, and simply trying to survive en route to the coast. It's a great, great read. Brutal and heartfelt if you need some quick blurb-age. With the Coen Brothers taking their adaptation of McCarthy's NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN to competition at Cannes this May, and future film adaptations of THE ROAD and BLOOD MERIDIAN (probably my favorite book of all time) in the works, it's safe to say Sir Cormac will be getting a larger fan base in the near future, and not just relegated to English Lit nerds (like me).


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