Monday, April 16, 2007

Nice poster!

Dig the tagline! [click it for a bigger version] I haven't read much on this and I quit paying attention to Fangoria YEARS ago. Anchor Bay seems to have good taste in terms of the DVD's they put out, so this could be interesting. Harry Knowles seems to really like it*. I am a little put off by horror films recently, which is shocking to hear myself say...type...whatever. But the Hostile and Saw piece of shit film-model annoys the hell out of me. Asian horror is all the fucking same. There are some gems in there, don't get me wrong, but if I have to see one more pasty little girl with long black hair I will kill someone. The trailer for Hatchet shows VERY little, but it does look interesting. I'm always down with seeing a new slasher character. I thought the imaginary one in High Tension was WAY better than the "real" killer in that movie. I do need to see the original French cut of it though, now that my rage has subsided. Gonna' keep my eye on Hatchet though.

*who fucking cares


Blogger JB Moore said...

DO NOT LOOK UP ANY INFO ON THIS ON IMDB. I went to the site to see if I could deduce who that wonderful blood-soaked rack belonged to, and may have inadvertently uncovered a major spoiler. I'm a little pissed right now. Damn my love of breasts.

April 16, 2007 at 6:56 PM  

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