Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Another post with no real content.

Just a pretty cool interview with director Richard Stanley I fell upon and felt like sharing. I was doing some google'ing, looking for info on his supposed next film [starring Bruce Campbell] "Vacation". The guy has definitely lived an adventure. I want Hardware on DVD...NOW.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Random madness

Mr. Moore and myself have admittedly been slacking from our Wreck-duties as of late. Please watch these videos while you wait for us to post something of substance:

These are actually in-game videos taken from a Japanese "rodeo game" where you are encouraged to rock back and forth on a seat-like controller. I really have nothing else I can add to this, other than the fact they are strangely hypnotizing.


Saturday, September 6, 2008

BAD idea, Francine.

Hit the link first.

Now, while the IDEA of a Ghostbusters reunion film, gets me all hot and bothered. I bet all my goats and 3 chickens that it will be a big steaming pile of shit. Go ahead Columbia, for the love of Jobu, PROVE ME WRONG.

The first film, obviously holds a very special place in mine and the Wreck's heart. It's probably my all-time favorite movie. I think the time for digging up a new one has passed, sadly. Again, we'll see. I'm just not holding my breath on this one. Plus, sweet baby FUCK...look at Egon! Seriously. Fuck.