Hokuto No Ken!

Here's a trailer:
The film blew me away with completely insane hyper-violence. Ken's special move was hitting a particular pressure point on his opponent that usually resulted in a delayed reaction of their HEAD EXPLODING. The original 1986 film is completely balls-out ultra-violent and awesome.
Recently, to celebrate FOTNS's anniversary in Japan a 3 part OVA was produced called "New Fist of the North Star" as well as 5 other OVA's released in both the theater and on DVD in Japan. The 5 new films are side stories dedicated to a handful of characters in the FOTNS universe. There is also a 13 episode Raoh themed series that is also on DVD now [Ten No Haoh]. The films can be found pretty easily on ebay. [if you don't mind a questionable Chinese produced version] Or, if you would like to waste as much time as humanly possible at work I will add youtube links to all of them at the end of this post.
Anyway, I just finished watching all the new films as well as the Ten No Haoh series [which was AWESOME] and I can't recommend them enough if you were a fan of FOTNS. I never understood how this series wasn't more popular in the states. I doubt you will ever see these films officially released here. So...go watch 'em on youtube.
Legend of Raoh: Chapter of Death in Love (ラオウ伝 殉愛の章 ,Raō Den Jun'ai no Shō)
Legend of Yuria (ユリア伝 ,Yuria Den)
Legend of Raoh: Chapter of Fierce Fight (ラオウ伝 激闘の章 ,Raō Den Gekitō no Shō)
Legend of Toki (トキ伝 ,Toki Den)
Legend of Kenshiro (北斗の拳 ZERO ケンシロウ伝 ,Hokuto no Ken Zero - Kenshirō Den)
God bless the fansubber nerds out there.
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