Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bitch Slap!

This was just brought to my attention [Streubinator 20XX] and I feel as though I have failed in life somehow for not knowing of it sooner. I haven't picked up a "Femme Fatales" in some time, which could explain this gross failure on my part. Please, accept my apologies.

Bitch Slap The Movie! I know, I know...the obvious Sin City rip-off aesthetic, the "Grindhouse" font. Everything about it screams "rip-off". But, all great exploitation has always been a rip-off of something else in attempt to cash in while shoveling as much sex and violence as they could afford onto the screen in the process.

T&A? Check.
Big guns? Check.
Zoe Bell? SERIOUSLY?! Check.
Is that Kevin FUCKING Sorbo?! Check.
Xena!!?? Check.

This takes me back to when you could walk into a movie store and rent some awful flick with Shannon Tweed in tight clothes shooting up guys who take a bunch of models hostage. I will be watching this as soon as humanly possible. I can't wait to slam this cheap whiskey of a flick and savor the warmth/burning sensation I feel afterward. This looks too big budget to be straight to DVD, I expect we'll see a small arthouse run of this one.


Blogger Earl said...

I thought it was Shannon Whirry who rescued the models/beauty pageant contestants from the bad guys?

Speaking of which, I would like to see a sexploitation movie starring Shannon Tweed, Shannon Whirry, and Shannon Elizabeth as team of scantily clad assassins.

Shannen Doherty could play the ostracized wannabe assassin that was not allowed to join in any reindeer games. That would be really cool.

November 19, 2008 at 8:17 AM  
Blogger Dr Chaddius Feathermore III said...

I'm assuming Rob Tapert has something to do with this, given the Sorbo and Lawless. I assume there is an uncredited Ted Raimi cameo SOMEWHERE in there.

November 20, 2008 at 9:05 AM  

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