Thursday, March 19, 2009

God bless you, Andy Sidaris

Here's a clip from Hard Ticket To Hawaii.

I'm thinking I need to go back and revisit some Sidaris films with plenty of alcohol in my system.

Also, unrelated to this sad excuse for a post, is a link to some awesome bread.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Drag Me To Hell

I just got done watching the first trailer for Sam Raimi's apparent return to form, Drag Me To Hell. It's way too soon to tell, as Sam Raimi has been hit-or-miss [mostly miss] for me since Army of Darkness. I realize he needs to pay the bills and all, but I felt the Spiderman films were AWFUL, except for the hospital scene in S2. I never saw his fucking baseball movie and while I liked A Simple Plan, if his name hadn't been in the credits, you'd never know he had anything to do with it.

I realize my love for Raimi comes from a place long gone. It comes from a time when Evil Dead was actually a cult film and not a t-shirt at Hot Topic. I'm not bitter [lies], I just felt really comfortable in that space. A place where Evil Dead 2 was hidden among all the other horror flicks in the corner. I liked the "Action Pack" endeavors of Raimi and Tapert back in the 90's that spawned Hercules, Xena and the awesome [in my opinion] Cleopatra 2525 as well. They had a good gig going before things got all super-mega digestible for the masses. I give him props though, he at least still produces genre stuff, even though it also happens to be the raping of Asian horror. [Asian horror had it comin' though, shouldn't have dressed so slutty] And Spiderman [while boring as hell] isn't another baseball flick. So, he hasn't lost touch with his roots entirely, it would seem.

So, back to the trailer for Drag Me To Hell. It looks pretty cool. If it's rated 'R' I will be even more encouraged. At least in terms of classic Raimi style, it looks like this has it. While on the one hand I fear he is never going to make another movie I really like a'la John Carpenter, I did find myself somewhat giddy at the sight of this lineup on the credits screen of the trailer.
I guess we'll find out in May.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Watchmen early screening report...

Buddy of mine [Dr. Poopenhauffen] went to a press screening last night. I asked him, "On a scale of 1-10, how much slo-mo was there?". His answer? "12. The first 4 minutes were slo-mo." He was, of course, joking some. But it does confirm some of the fears, we at the Wreck had.

Very anxious to see this. Expect lots of words about to follow once JB and myself get to see it.

In other news I FINALLY went and saw Gran Torino, which was pretty great. Hopefully, get off my ass and write a proper review. PROPER. Eastwood is a badass. Even after he's long gone, his skeleton will still be an absolute badass.