Thursday, January 31, 2008

Booze Review!

New feature. We here at Cinemawreck love our booze. I would like to share what I am drinking with you, so as you might choose to partake. Let's all destroy our livers....together. I will assume you like beer too. There are really 2 kinds of people, those who drink American Lagers exclusively [Miller Lite, etc] and those with good taste. I am speaking to those who can drink a porter or a stout with their meal and love it. Those who like beers made by monks in stone castles. Those who think a beer with 10% alcohol is normal.

I fucking love Belgian beers. Anyone with half a brain and at least one testicle should agree. Belgian beer is better than anything else on the planet. Without them, I would not be as happy as I am today. They are usually characterized by heavier fermentation, sometimes darker color and bolder flavors. I don't really want to make this a beginner's guide to import beers as much as I would rather just rant about whatever it is I drank the night before. I'm not terribly qualified to tell you how to rate beers from a professional standpoint. I do, however drink a metric shit ton of imported beers and see this as an opportunity to share [with you] what I think about them. So, you might have to google some of this shit and check for more in-depth reviews.

I went to my local fancy beer store to load up on some abbey ales and Trappists. Trappists are hands down my favorite beers. If you have never tried a Westmalle or Orval you are cheating yourself out of life. Go to the store tonight and hunt some down. So, I grabbed a 4-pack of my absolute favorite triple: Tripel Karmeliet, as well as a 4 pack of Koningshoeven Dubbel and a 4 pack of St. Bernardus Watou Tripel. I had never had the Bernardus Watou and also have never read any reviews of it. It is described in similar fashion to the Trappist triples I've had in the past and I love their Pater 6 brew, so I was anxious to try it.

It poured a nice blonde with plenty of sediment. When held up to a light it looked as if the sediment would be palatable and require chewing. Thankfully, it doesn't. I was initially frightened by many abbey ales due to this sediment floating in the beer. It always made me fear for my colon. It had "you are going to have to take a monster shit if you drink this" written all over it. Again, thankfully, not the case. It smelled slightly bitter with some malty notes. It tasted very very good. It weighed in at only 7.5% alcohol and was very drinkable, slight citrus/fruit notes on the back end. Would go great with spicier foods or some nice fried fish. Was quite heavy and two of these would definitely fill you up as if you had just eaten a loaf of bread. It definitely scores as high as some of it's more official Trappist brethren. I am anxious to drink the rest of my 4 pack. I am also anxious to try the rest of the St. Bernardus family of beers as none have disappointed me so far.

Suggesting movie pairing: Phantasm
Suggested Food pairing: Fried cod and cole slaw


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