Saturday, November 22, 2008


For those who've forgotten, Mickey Rourke was one of the best, most promising actors of the 80s. He was primed to follow the footsteps of DeNiro, Nicholson, and Pacino and become a legend. Then he decided he wanted to follow his first love and box again (he was a ranked amateur before he started acting). Then he hit the rocks with Carre Otis, and just scared people away with his eccentric behavior. He's always been talented, but he hasn't always made the right decisions, like most genuinely smart, talented people often do. Well, all personal problems aside, he still is one of the best in my opinion. Go back and check out POPE OF GREENWICH VILLAGE, DINER, YEAR OF THE DRAGON, ANGEL HEART, and (especially) BARFLY, and tell me he isn't.

EDIT: And JOHNNY HANDSOME!!! For the love of GOD, see JOHNNY HANDSOME! How could I leave that out...

Rourke has just recently reemerged in smaller, but effective, supporting roles in fare like ONCE UPON A TIME IN MEXICO, MAN ON FIRE, DOMINO, and most importantly, SIN CITY, where he should have earned a best supporting nomination for his genius turn as Marv. Unfortunately, that film was a niche film at best, and the Academy probably turned off any screeners sent after the first five minutes. Now, he has teamed with Darren Aronofsky, a filmmaker who has had his share of creative ups and downs in the business as well, but like Rourke, has never compromised. If you ask me, it's a perfect pairing. Oh, and then there's the new Springsteen song written for the movie. Tell me this isn't going to be good and I'll drop an elbow on your face.

I can't wait for this movie. Seriously.


Blogger Dr Chaddius Feathermore III said...

Yeah, really anxious for this one. Although it looks like it's gonna tear your heart out and stomp on it.

November 24, 2008 at 12:53 PM  
Blogger JB Moore said...

It's okay to cry now and then Chad. Don't be afraid.

November 24, 2008 at 8:07 PM  

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