Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A sequel has gears, moving parts...

I read an internet argument on a forum the other day about whether or not Terminator 3 “sucked balls” and that 3 more films [as recently announced] was a terrible idea. As we all know, there is nothing more valid and important than an argument between two overweight 35 year old virgins taking place on an internet forum. This made me think about Terminator 3, the state of the franchise and whether or not it could survive another trilogy. I think the simple and safe answer is “That’s a bad idea”. I want to explore this a little and tell you why I have come to a different conclusion on the idea of Terminator sequels.

Terminator was a B-movie, complete with stop-motion animation. In a lot of ways it is my favorite in the series. Cameron then began his new career of tech-demos disguised as films and made Terminator 2. I still loved it. This, in my opinion, is what the series is about. It’s a silly time travel plot with holes galore, all being an excuse to blow shit up and have Arnold say a few humorous one-liners. Let us not forget this. You spend enough time deconstructing these films and you will ultimately hate all of them. I remember hearing about T3 being in production and I mocked it as if it were a direct attack on my mother. I distinctly remember seeing the international trailer which featured a few snippets of that crane-chase and thinking “holy shit, I might give this a chance!” Nick Stahl is far superior to Furlong. Fuck continuity. Plus, who is this Kristanna Loken chick, besides hot? Not to mention it had Claire Danes in it so I KNOW Lord John was pleased. Long story short, I thought it was a great 3rd film for the “original” trilogy. It had great effects, an awesome villain and tons of destruction. I thought it did a good job of bringing everything full circle and illustrating the fact that we can’t avoid judgment day. Not to mention, I GENUINELY believe that Arnold’s performance was one of his career best in T3. Mock me if you must, but the streets will flow with the blood of the non-believers!

What this boils down to, is I believe that the Terminator films are ACTION sci-fi films and should be judged as such. Notice the order I wrote those in, go ahead, I’ll wait. Read that sentence one more time and come back when you are done. I judge them as action films first and sci-fi films second. I think the war in Iraq and world hunger would not be as bad as they are now if we all could do this. “Bladerunner is boring”, well that is because it is a sci-fi film, and its not boring, go to hell…no action my friends. We have a ton of these cute little sub-genres that have been established over time for a reason. My point is, when you are done with the grilled cheese your mom made you, maybe you can lighten up and realize that there is no real mythology or Terminator “universe” to be consistent with. It’s a time-travel story so people can fuck with it all they want. I realize that your Terminator 2099 role playing game you’ve been writing for the last 10 years depends on them keeping a consistent vision or you might catch fire from your buddies when you get together and chug mountain dew while arguing who gets to be the T-1000. Shut up and enjoy the explosions.

It’s been reported that a new production company has purchased the rights for the Terminator films and plans for 3 new films are underway. The first is to be released sometime in 2009. I am unfamiliar with the company who owns the rights now [The Halcyon Co.] or any films they’ve done in the past. For all I know they could be planning on releasing some low-budget crap-fests. I want to go on record saying that I am anxious to see what they do with the series. Many people feel that the absence of Arnold detracts from the validity of any new films. While I can’t say I won’t miss him in these new chapters, I don’t think he is integral to their quality. If anything, it allows for them to escape any stereotypes his character brings to the table. That being said, I don’t think its necessary for them to re-cast ANY of the characters with actors from previous films. This second trilogy will be separate in fan's minds purely because of the absence of Arnold. They should capitalize on this preconceived notion and use it as an opportunity to start completely fresh. I think there is a TON of potential in focusing on post-judgment day and the future wars. I think if they can take lessons from successful sci-fi action military themed films [Aliens, Starship Troopers] and show a somewhat nostalgic respect to the source material, it could be something really great. Obviously, nothing is cast or shot. These could suck some serious balls. I just think to start trash talking any Terminator sequels before we know what’s going into them is irresponsible. We have how many James Bond films? Some good, some bad, some REALLY bad, but they keep coming out, with new actors and new visions. I don’t mind seeing other blockbuster franchises following suit. Keep making them, but please…make them good. Also, lets not rely entirely on CG, guys. Otherwise, go crazy.


Blogger Earl said...

Good review, Doc. I pretty much agree. Especially the part about Stahl being way better than Furlong. I never really developed any fondness for that kid, but I love Stahl for his involvment in Carnival.

As far as no more Arnold goes, I think you bring up a good point. A new vein of Terminator flicks could be really cool if we can ditch the one liners and go with a bunch of crazy ass uber destructive cyborgs. I hope they go seriously dark with the future movies. more No jokes and heartwarming love-between-a-boy-and-his-robot sub plots. I want desruction and crazy terminator battles.

May 21, 2007 at 11:58 AM  
Blogger Dr Chaddius Feathermore III said...

Yeah, it'll be REALLY easy to fuck it up...but there is obviously potential there. I almost didn't publish this post due to cheese-factor....but nobody reads this blog yet anyway.

May 21, 2007 at 12:10 PM  

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