Thursday, June 5, 2008


What if Lloyd Kaufman were born retarded but lucky? I know, you're saying "but, Dr. Chaddius...Lloyd Kaufman IS retarded?!" and you're half right...he's half-retarded but we're getting distracted. Stay with me. I was reading an article on Kotaku about Uwe Boll's latest masterpiece "Postal".

Now, I've read buzz from certain people that I somewhat respect saying that this is actually his first good film and that it's pretty awesome in how "wheels off" it is. I can't say for sure, as I haven't seen it yet. I'm not entirely sure I will. If someone told you one day, "No, seriously...human shit is starting to taste pretty good. You should try this. It's the best human shit I've ever eaten.", would you try it? I'm hesitant to say the least.

Apparently, there was a FREE screening of Postal in New Jersey last Friday and 200 people reportedly walked out. I would cut that number in half, just because half the people that walked out were just there to see something free and had no idea what they were getting into. So, we'll say 100 people who had some idea of what they were to see walked out. Nobody at the screening actually played the game "Postal"...because it was a flop game that nobody played anyway.

Boll had this to say, "Being politically correct, let's say, the big studios are kind of overdoing it... I feel it is time now to make a really wild movie, something over the top... We don't spare any group. We don't want to hurt anybody but we want to break the rules... We want to make people think: What is a taboo? We want to make people start thinking about their own boundaries and rules." Which leads me to why I refer to Uwe as the retarded [but lucky/evil] version of Lloyd Kaufman. This is and has been the Troma mantra for the last 20+ years. They've built a studio on this. I like seeing more "successful" directors coming out and trying some of this stuff, but why this guy?! As much as I hate this guy, this makes me hate him even more. Because now, he's not only ruining the video game to movie genre, but he's attempting to destroy any possibility for truly independent films like Troma's to have any shot at breaking through theatrically. [not that they really had a shot, but all bets are off as Hollywood is crashing and burning right now.]


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