Monday, December 8, 2008

Twilight: A Punisher Warzone Review

I saw the trailers for Punisher Warzone and thought, "maybe". Ray Stevenson definitely looked the part. It's rated 'R'? I'm listening. The shitty music on the red band trailer made me wish I hadn't listened though. Okay, I've decided, I want to see it. The Dolph Lundgren version had it's own campy appeal that I kinda' liked. The one with Travolta was unwatchable, absolutely horrible. Warzone has to better than both of these, right?

Well, I am very happy to report that this movie actually get's it right. Well, at least 90% right. But, come on, what'd you expect? The film opens strong with some wise guys going to a mob boss's party to get paid for a job. Enter Frank Castle. Just in the first 5 minutes alone we get 20-30 bodies and a decapitation and some dude getting the leg of a chair shoved through his eye-hole. FINALLY! There are some very minimal flashbacks for the mentally retarded who just happened to wander aimlessly into this theater and have no idea who this guy is and why he is pissed? The script, while also minimal, is full of cliche and it really feels like they are aware of this and move right past it to get to the next action set piece.

I haven't read a shit-ton of Punisher comics, but I read quite a few back in my day, including the Nomad crossover. [Good stuff] What always made me drool over those comics was the loving attention given to Frank's arsenal. Shit, they even make comics devoted ENTIRELY to this. Just page after page of guns and rocket launchers and knives! It's a young boy's porn. Punisher Warzone seems to understand this and there are so many brillianty framed shots of wall after wall of guns and more guns followed with more shot's of Frank loading these guns. It's great! Couple that with the fact we ACTUALLY get to see him use this shit and not just some quick flashes of gunfire and cutaways and epileptic seizures so common in film today. If he's going to shoot someone in the face with a shotgun, we actually get to see it! A concept I thought died with the 80's. I am only partly familiar with the film's nemesis "Jigsaw". I couldn't help seeing all the similarities to the Joker, but who cares? They pulled off an over-the-top comic villain with dashes of humor pretty well. The story is really simple. Frank is obsessed with setting things right after accidentally shooting an undercover agent while cleaning up some mob trash. He stalks the widow, tries to give her money and eventually is forced to protect her just as he's about to give up on the vigilante business. His new nemesis, hellbent on the Punisher's demise recruits every thug in town to make this happen. This means a body count through the roof when all is said and done. Punisher is mean and competent and doesn't flinch at pain. Imagine if Bear Gryll's family was murdered and you have a pretty good idea of Frank's killing expertise.

P:W was obviously, not without it's flaws. There are a few scenes with some really awful nu-metal music you know just how XTREME these guy's are. But those moments are thankfully, few and far between. In the end, this film does what I wanted it to: It's a fun comic romp that captures the attitude and look of Frank Castle perfectly and quickly sets up an arena for him to kill as many criminals for me, the viewer, as possible in 107 minutes.

Oh, I almost forgot. Why the title referring to Twilight? Well, as soon as my ticket was torn and I am heading to my seat, I glance down and they had actually sold me a Twilight ticket! So, not only is P:W not doing well at the box office, but now, because of some teenager not paying attention, I am somehow partly responsible! Great. Thanks Twilight, not only are you ruining Vampires but you cost me a sequel to a good movie. [yes, my ONE ticket was the key to this film's sequel]


Blogger JB Moore said...

And don't feel bad for contributing to the Twilight fund. From what I've heard of the first's lack of onscreen expenditures, they need to have a fund-raiser for decent effects in the next one. So good on you. Girl virgins need a franchise too, just like boy virgins.

December 8, 2008 at 10:45 PM  
Blogger Dr Chaddius Feathermore III said...

Haha! Yeah the "metal" scenes are usually only the ones with this gang of urban free-running meth heads running across rooftops. Which I thought was actually a pretty cool concept for a gang...ruined by cheesy music, so I can't take them seriously.

Saw a preview for "Violet"...I mean "Unborn" as well. Are we sure David S. Goyer didn't hack your computer?

December 9, 2008 at 8:18 AM  
Blogger JB Moore said...

I ain't worried about David Goyer, director of the '07 classic THE INVISIBLE. "Violet" will get made and it will be great. Mark my words.

December 9, 2008 at 9:16 PM  
Blogger Earl said...

Saw punisher this weekend. Ugh. Cool guns. Some cool fighting. The scene where he resets his nose with a pencil was rad. I kind of liked Loony Bin Jim. Sadly, though, when Wayne Knight is the best actor in your entire film, your film has problems. Didn't even go in with high expectations, but some of that movie was just painful.

Also, why do people keep hiring Julie Benz?

I did like it when he punched that dude and his face literally exploded. That was awesome.

December 15, 2008 at 9:02 AM  
Blogger Dr Chaddius Feathermore III said...

yeah, it was a "violence in film" demo reel with a nice Punisher theme. Obviously, not a great film when graded against films as a whole. But a damn fun [35 million?! WTF?!] B-movie action flick in the spirit of Cannon films of the 80's.

December 15, 2008 at 1:33 PM  
Blogger JB Moore said...

Did Wayne Knight run over a gypsy woman or something? Dude is thin.

December 15, 2008 at 6:05 PM  

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